President Mansour letter to Greste family

March 18, 2014
Dina Ezzat
In response to numerous requests received by the Office of the Spokesman to the Presidency, please find below the translated text of the letter sent by President Mansour to the Greste family:
Dear Peter Greste’s parents and family:
I received with heartfelt sympathy the family letter concerning the case of your son Peter. As a father I would like to convey my understanding of the prevailing emotions of distress and anguish amongst both Peter and the whole family.
Notwithstanding the independence of the judiciary and that his full rights are guaranteed under the law, I would like to assure you in my capacity as President of Egypt, that I will spare no effort to work towards the speedy resolution of the case, in a fashion consistent with the law and that guarantees the reunion of the family in the near future.
Chief Justice Adly Mansour
President of the Arab Republic of Egypt