Embassy Hosts Reception to Present Suez Canal Expansion, SCZone Details

Al-Azhar Photo

On Wednesday, 19 August, the Embassy of Egypt hosted a reception to present details of the Suez Canal expansion, which was officially inaugurated on 6 August, and the adjacent Suez Canal Zone (SCZone) industrial development corridor. Attended by D.C. area business leaders and other interested parties, the event featured Egypt’s Ambassador to the U.S. Mohamed Tawfik, who gave remarks on the expanded Suez Canal and the positive impact it will have on Egypt and the rest of the world. The Embassy also gave a presentation on the Suez Canal Zone, providing a comprehensive overview of the innovative commercial development project that is poised to create nearly one million new jobs and support two million new residents. The SCZone will be a major global industrial center and international investment opportunity, this potential will be realised through large-scale expansions of the two gateway ports at East Port Said and Sokhna to allow them to handle present and future generation container vessels, as well as the construction of 2 dry ports (10th Ramadan Dry Port and Ismailia Dry Port), and creating industrial development centers in the SCZone three major nodes (East Port Said – Ismailia- Ain Sokhna).

check out this great video

For more information on the New Suez Canal, one of the world’s most critical waterways, please see the factsheet “The Suez Canal: A Growing Center for Global Commerce.


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