Minister of Foreign Affairs Sameh Shoukry, COP27 President, held on November 14, 2022, a dialogue with representatives of the children and youth constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) YOUNGO, which includes representatives of a number of youth organizations concerned with global climate action.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson, Director of the Public Diplomacy Department, Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid, stated that Minister Shoukry affirmed during the dialogue the priority that the Egyptian COP27 presidency attaches to the interaction with the UNFCCC youth constituency, and that the slogan adopted by COP27- Together for Implementation – entails the need for an active participation of youth in global climate action. Therefore, COP27 presidency is keen on listening to their visions and getting acquainted with their positions on climate action in its various aspects.
Ambassador Abu Zeid added that the Minister of Foreign Affairs was keen to outline the efforts of the Egyptian presidency of the conference in terms of enhancing communication with youth and their participation in global climate action, including the allocation of a thematic day for youth and future generations within the various thematic days during the conference. He also noted the efforts exerted by the conference’s presidency to overcome any obstacles that might affect the size and scope of youth participation in the conference, especially with regard to their accommodation and transportation.
The Spokesperson concluded his remarks by noting that YOUNGO representatives expressed their sincere appreciation and happiness for the conference president’s keenness to listen to their ideas and hold this constructive dialogue with them, praising Egypt’s organization of the 17th session of the UN Climate Change Conference of Youth COY17. In this context, they raised several questions about the various subjects on the conference’s agenda, such as providing climate finance, enhancing civil society participation in climate action, and the issue of addressing loss and damage caused by climate change. COP27 President was keen to reply to all these questions and explain the Egyptian COP27 Presidency’s vision regarding them.
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