Minister of Foreign Affairs Sameh Shoukry, President of the 27th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change COP27, participated today, November 14, 2022, in the High-level ministerial round table on pre-2030 ambition, with the participation of Mr. Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and delegations of many countries Members of the Convention.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson, Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid, stated that Minister Shoukry expressed Egypt’s appreciation for hosting the first ministerial round table on pre-2030 mitigation ambition during the activities of COP27, in accordance with the provisions of the Glasgow Climate Pact adopted by the 26th session of the Climate Conference last year.
Ambassador Abu Zeid added that Minister Shoukry explained in this regard the importance of mitigation efforts, in light of international scientific reports indicating the necessity of swiftly taking action in this regard to keep global temperatures at safe levels. He also outlined the challenges facing mitigation efforts in light of the current geopolitical situation, highlighting the need to act immediately to overcome these obstacles in light of the continuing negative repercussions of climate change, regardless of the international context.
Minister Shoukry also highlighted the opportunity this round table provides to advance efforts to mitigate the repercussions of climate change by addressing a message confirming the political will of all parties to commit to mitigation efforts, highlighting the keenness of the Egyptian presidency of the conference to produce satisfactory results for all, on mitigation in particular, and various aspects of global climate action in general.
The Spokesperson concluded his remarks by noting that the UNFCCC Executive Secretary affirmed the necessity of being wary of the continued increase in the level of emissions as it is currently. In this regard, he noted what was mentioned in the IPCC report on greenhouse gas emissions, which highlights the importance of addressing a message through COP27 that reflects the political will of the parties towards strengthening their efforts to mitigate the repercussions of climate change by increasing their reduction efforts and providing clear guarantees in this regard, in a manner that contributes to the realization of the provisions of the Paris Agreement.
The meeting included a presentation by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change regarding the latest scientific research findings on the volume of emissions around the world and their effects on mitigation efforts, in addition to another presentation by representatives of the Green Climate Fund on its programs to support developing countries’ efforts to meet and further enhance their Nationally Determined Contributions in the field of emissions reduction.
Learn more, here.