President El Sisi and Secretary Kerry Discuss Ways to Strengthen Bilateral Cooperation


On Wednesday, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met in Cairo where they discussed Egyptian-U.S. strategic relations and ways to promote economic and political cooperation between the two countries. President El Sisi stressed the importance ofstrengthening coordination between Egypt and the United States, especially given the shared challenges in the Middle East, and he reviewed with Secretary Kerry the latest developments in Libya and Syria, as well as the international efforts to restore peace and stability throughout the region.

According to a release from the State Department, Secretary Kerry said “We talked in a very serious and very constructive way about the challenges that Egypt is facing, and I want to emphasize that the United States views Egypt as critical to the peace and security of the entire region….Let me emphasize, most importantly, Egypt has always been and is the historical center of the Arab world.  It’s a quarter of the Arab population.  The United States understands the importance of Egypt to this region and we are deeply committed – contrary to some things that occasionally get written or some suggestions that people make – we are deeply committed to the stability of Egypt and to helping Egyptthrough the difficult challenges that it faces, which, by the way, it doesn’t face alone in the world.”

For more information, see the below release from the Office of the Presidency or Secretary Kerry’s remarks provided by the U.S. State Department here.


President El Sisi Meets US Secretary of State Kerry

Today, President Abdel Fattah El Sisi met with US Secretary of State John Kerry. Minister of Foreign Affairs Sameh Shoukry attended the meeting.

President El Sisi affirmed the Egyptian-US strategic relations and expressed Egypt‘s commitment to enhancing bilateral cooperation at all levels. The President stressed the importance of strengthening coordination between the two countries in the face of various challenges, in light of the tense and troubled situation in the Middle East.

Mr. Kerry affirmed the US commitment to supporting Egypt‘s stability and promoting bilateral relations. He emphasized that Egypt is a key partner to the US, given its pivotal regional role as a cornerstone for peace and stability. He asserted that the US is keen on supporting Egypt in overcoming security and economic challenges, noting that the US administration backs Egypt‘s economic development and counter-terrorism efforts.

Mr. Kerry noted the need to strengthen bilateral relations to serve the interests of both countries and the importance of enhancing coordination with Egypt on regional and international issues of mutual concern.

President El Sisi and Mr. Kerry discussed ways to promote economic and political cooperation  and reviewed the latest regional developments, particularly in Libya and Syria, as well as regional and international efforts to reach political settlements to restore peace and stability in these countries and the entire region.