Minister Shoukry and Secretary Kerry discuss the threat of extremism

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Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry met with Secretary of State John Kerry yesterday following the White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism to discuss bilateral issues and regional challenges of mutual import, particularly in Libya. Minister Shoukry emphasized the efforts that Egypt has taken to fight terrorism and the importance of increased cooperation to combat extremist groups “because we know the dangers that such organizations pose to the stability of the region.”
Secretary Kerry expressed his condolences to the people of Egypt for the “horrendous, grotesque killing of 21 Coptic Christians.” He added, “Egypt is a increasingly critical partner in these efforts” to combat extremism. “They are working with us in the Sinai against terrorism,” “working with us on the issue of the Palestinian-Israel peace process, as well as on Libya, Syria, and Iran.”
The full Remarks release following the bilateral meeting is below.