Statement from Presidential Spokesman on Strong voter Turnout

The national referendum on the draft Constitution was a historic moment for Egyptians, who came out in large numbers to vote. A statement from Ehab Badawy, Spokesman for the Office of the President, about the turnout is below.

Regardless of how Egyptians vote or which political leaders they support, Egyptians now have the opportunity to make their voice heard and vote count. This is their moment to decide the future of Egypt.

A fact sheet with additional information about the Constitution is available in the Media Relations section of this website: A Constitution for All Egyptians

We look forward to an ongoing dialogue with you. Please do not hesitate to be in touch if the Embassy can be a resource to you in your reporting.

– Embassy of Egypt

January 16, 2014

Statement from Presidential Spokesman on Strong voter Turnout

Office of the Presidential Spokesman Ehab Badawy offered the following statement regarding the strong turnout in the historic vote on the referendum:

“Early indications point to the fact that Egyptians made history this week with a high level of participation in the vote on the draft Constitution. This is a wonderful day for Egypt, Egyptians and for democracy, despite the extraordinary circumstances. This vote represents a resounding rejection of terrorism and a clear endorsement of the roadmap to democracy, as well as economic development and stability.”