Egypt-U.S. Hold Successful Strategic Dialogue


On 2nd August, Egypt and the United States conducted the first Strategic Dialogue between the two countries since 2009. During these important talks, held in Cairo, the two sides discussed ways to continue and enhance the Egypt-U.S. relationship, focusing on the key areas of diplomatic, security and economic cooperation.


Hosted by Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and United States Secretary of State John Kerry, the dialogue emphasized the strategic importance of combined Egypt-U.S. counterterrorism efforts, including the shared commitments to combat extremism, ensure stability throughout the region, and promote democracy and human rights. The dialogue also advanced the important economic partnership between the two countries, particularly emphasizing the role of the Suez Canal as a global trade facilitator. The two sides agreed to hold the next round of the Strategic Dialogue in Washington, D.C., next year.


Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi also met with Secretary Kerry. President El Sisi briefed Kerry on key economic reforms and plans to hold parliamentary elections by the end of this year and the two discussed a number of regional issues, notably the Syrian crisis and the Palestinian-Israeli dispute. President El Sisi underscored the importance of joint action in order to develop and maintain stability in the Middle East.


Below are several key remarks and comments made by Egyptian and U.S. officials regarding the important takeaways from yesterday’s Strategic Dialogue. For more information on the strategic relationship between Egypt and the United States, see the fact sheet titled “Egypt & The United States: A Dynamic Partnership.”



Importance of Strategic Dialogue:


“The launching of the strategic dialogue today is a serious chance for the two sides to review the different parts of the Egyptian-American relationship, politically, militarily and economically and assessing this relationship in all respects.” — Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry 2 August 2015


“The two sides renewed their commitment to the strategic relationship and resolved to take practical and specific steps to consolidate it. They further stressed that a long-term and strong Egypt-U.S. partnership, anchored in the common goals of their strategic ties, is vital for the peace, stability and prosperity of the region.”–Strategic Dialogue Joint Statement


“Egypt has long played a pivotal role in the region and in world affairs, and we have great confidence, I assure you, that that’s part of the foundation on which we will build the future. We have confidence in Egypt, and it’s important to be beginning to rebuild elements of our relationship based on this Strategic Dialogue.”–U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, 2 August, 2015


Combined Egypt-U.S. Counterterrorism Efforts:


“The two sides agreed to continue close cooperation to improve their mutual security, to combat terrorism and extremism, and to work together to delegitimize terrorist narratives. They discussed the status of Egypt’s Road Map and the importance of efforts to promote democracy and human rights in all fields, including in the fight against terrorism. The U.S. welcomed Egypt’s participation in the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL, and reiterated its unwavering support for Egypt in its fight against terrorism.”—Strategic Dialogue Joint Statement


Coordination in Securing the Region:


“The two Ministers underlined the importance of working together to address the current conflicts in the Middle East region, especially in Syria, Iraq, Libya and Yemen. Moreover, the two sides emphasized the importance of attaining a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement between Israelis and Palestinians, which fulfills the vision of the two-state solution, in accordance with the agreed principles and international resolutions.”—Strategic Dialogue Joint Statement



Political Progress:


“During the dialogue we discussed our shared interest in issues relating to democracy and human rights and I affirmed Egypt’s commitment to paying attention to these issues as they fulfill the aspirations of the Egyptian people.” — Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry 2 August 2015



Economic Progress:


“The two delegations reaffirmed their shared commitment to broaden and deepen bilateral economic and commercial cooperation. They acknowledged the importance of expanded trade and investment ties as the key to a sustainable, balanced and enduring partnership, including through reinforcing cooperation in the areas of information technology and energy, and deepening cooperation to create jobs, enhance education, and promote healthcare … Ministers agreed to hold Trade and Investment Framework Agreement Talks, resume the Bilateral Science and Technology Agreement and renew the high-level Working Group on Information and Communication Technology.” —Strategic Dialogue Joint Statement


“Let me also take this opportunity to again congratulate Egypt on the extraordinary completion and major project that will have profound implications for the world in the increase of commerce and the movement of goods, and we congratulate Egypt on the expansion of the Suez Canal and the event that will take place in a few days to celebrate it. It’s really a considerable accomplishment … the conclusion of the Suez Canal project, which will, in fact, add to the opportunities for improving the business climate; it will attract new investment; it will help us spur trade and create jobs…”—U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, 2 August, 2015