Egyptian Presidential Election Opportunity to Renew Strategic Partnership

In the coming days, Egypt will elect a new president. This will be a historic moment for the people of Egypt and an important step in the journey that they began more than three years ago, when millions took to the streets to demand change.

The U.S. administration’s response to the events in Egypt that began on June 30, 2013, sent mixed signals to the Egyptian people and to our allies in the region. It is my hope that a free and fair election in Egypt will provide the U.S. government with an opportunity to fully re-engage this critically important strategic partner.

I do not view events in Egypt through rose-colored glasses. As Chairman of the House State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommittee, I assess our relationship with Egypt in these clear terms: Does it advance our national security; is it a good-faith partner for peace with Israel; and will it contribute to the stability of the Middle East? To all three questions, even at this time of a difficult transition, the answer is, “Yes.”


Rep. Kay Granger — ROLL CALL