Shoukry Meets US Secretary of State

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Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry met US Secretary of State John Kerry in London, on November 18. The two ministers discussed bilateral relations and ways to strengthen them in all fields. Kerry expressed his country’s strong support for Egypt’s stability and for the aspirations of the Egyptian people.

The two ministers exchanged views on the situation in the Middle East and a number of regional issues of mutual interest, especially the developments in Syria and ways to break the current impasse. They also discussed the ongoing war on terrorism and the regional and international efforts exerted in this regard. The Foreign Ministry’spokesperson said the two ministers also discussed developments of the Palestinian issue, in light of the escalating situation in East Jerusalem. They consulted on ways to contain the situation, and prevent the region from sliding into a vicious cycle of violence, stressing the Egyptian and the American role in this regard, which calls for resuming peace talks between the Israelis and Palestinians based on internationally agreed terms of reference.



Photo credit: Reuters, Neil Hall