U.S.-Egypt Business Council Hosts H.E. Ashraf Salman, Minister of Investment

On 21 January 2015, the Arab Republic of Egypt’s Minister of Investment, His Excellency Ashraf Salman met with more than 100 representatives from U.S. business leaders on a breakfast hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s U.S.-Egypt Business Council , to discuss Egypt’s economic progress and preview the upcoming Egypt Economic Development Conference (EEDC).

The Minster’s remarks centered on the important and historic steps taken by the Government of Egypt to stabilize its fiscal position, advance economic opportunity and regain the confidence of the business and financial communities.

Minister Salman affirmed that Egypt is committed to achieving high and sustainable rates of growth, and he asserted that Egypt is advancing policy and regulatory reforms while promoting commercial opportunities that encourage more trade and investment.

He acknowledged that although Egypt faces many challenges on both a macro and micro level, the country is on track to fundamentally reform the economy and unleash its productive capacity.

Minister Salman concluded by welcoming the investment and business community to attend the Egypt Economic Development Conference in March and to witness Egypt’s economic renaissance firsthand.

For more information on Egypt’s growing economy, see the Embassy of Egypt’s most recent Fact Sheet.